Wednesday, March 21, 2012

miss blue damn much

u guys must know them,rite.

growing up with their songs
missing their songs

Sunday, March 18, 2012

special dedicate to my mom

Oh, if I could turn back time rewind
If I could make it undone
I swear that I would
I would make it up to you
Mum I'm all grown up now
It's a brand new day
I'd like to put a smile on your face every day
Mum I'm all grown up now
And it's not too late
I'd like to put a smile on your face every day

you know you are the number one for me
there's no one in this world that can take your place
oh, I'm sorry for ever taking you for granted
i will use every chance I get
to make you smile, whenever I'm around you
now I will try to love you like you love me
only God knows how much you mean to me

what a sweet lyrics..

miss my mom!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

"You've Got a Friend"

"You are not alone.
You've got a friend, who will help you through your pains and sorrow and will always be at your side..."

This is a sand animation from Ilana Yahav

really amazing talent.

exist dulu-dulu

dulu2, suka dgr suara mamat exists
alaa, suara zaman mamat budak2 dulu

lagu2 exist mostly bole layan la

jom, kembali ke zaman exist dulu2


suara ezad memang best
dari dulu sampai sekarang still best
a good voice!

tapi, lagu exist yang sekarang ney,
ermmmm.. xtaw lak..hihihi
lagu exist yang dulu memang layan, sekarang ney xfollow lak..

Friday, March 9, 2012

berlayar mencari cintaNYA


sama-sama kita berlayar ke arah cinta Ilahi.

selagi mana hati kita ikhlas lagi istiqamah, insyaALLAH pelayaran kita melalui sirotul mustaqim, dan sampai ke destinasi nya.

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W:
"Berteguh-hatilah kamu (istiqamahlah) kamu meskipun tidak akan mampu melakukan sepenuhnya. Ketahuilah bahawa bahagian terbaik dari agamamu adalah sembahyang, dan tiada seseorang yang memelihara wudhu’, kecuali orang yang beriman.” (HR Ahmad, Ibnu Majah, Al-Hakim dan Al-Baihaqi)

a little boy with big voice

greyson chance, u have a big voice!

at first, coz i'm juz listen to this song i thought it's a man voice

then, when i watch this video, it's really surprised coz he's juz a teen boy!

see, how talented he is even he's one of the star from youtube channel.

alexander rybak, u're just too cute!

u'll fall in love with him

at first, i thought he's bieber
then, nope he's harry potter
the real is he's alexander rybak!

another him

woah, he's good in playing violin.......

Thursday, March 8, 2012

think negatively?

it's positive la, not negative!..haiiyooo...i know, u guys would say that...

i'm not trying to change ur mind set..but i'm juz speak out something that i feel like, "woah, it's logic"

my friend told me, "we need to think negatively!"..i wonder why..then she told that when we want or desire something, let's just let in mind, "we couldn't get it", "it couldn't happen", "i would never achieve it", "it's nonsense", "it's just a dream and will never comes true". so, when it's really never comes to us, so we wouldn't get hurt as we not expected that we will get it.
but, if it's really comes true, just treat it as a BONUS!

it's logic!

it's a better way if do not want to  get hurt...hihihi

she gave me an example,

if u love or have feeling towards someone, just set in ur mind that, "he will never love me", "it's just one sided love". then, if that guy really have no any feeling towards u, u'll never get hurt at least. but, if u get a positive reply, it's a JACKPOT!

guys, don't treat it seriously. everyone have their own view. it's she's. u must have yours.

the way they play the guitar

worth effort.

lend me ur ears


You don’t need to shout nor to cry out loud because he hears even the silent prayer of a sincere heart

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


'inginku gigit-gigit cuping telinga kecilmu......'

oh my god, who's wanna sing this for me?

nak kena jadi 'transformer'?

kena jadi 'transformer' kalau nak jadi 'ahli koperasi'?..haha...dato' nan, u have to be condifent!

macam pernah dengar je kan?'s adnan sempit 2!'s really owesome..

at last, dapat gak tengok adnan sempit 2..penantian yang berbaloi..u guys, should watch this movie.

it's trailer

shaheizy sam, u're so cute!..suka buat muka comel ( tapi shaheizy sam looks a bit chubby!)

gelak....gelak...dan gelak sampai abes citer..that's what u'll feel when watching this movie.

itulah yang kita nak...xmacam raja lawak, name raja lawak but sori der, lu xlawak dan saya tak tahu part mana yang lu rasa lu buat lawak.

seriously, adnan sempit 2 is full of comedies..bole hilangkan tensi2 dalam otak nan serabut dengan assignment bagai. i'm enjoying this movie even at the end, we can't tell what's the moral value of this movie..tapi enjoy tu lebih penting,kannn....

p/s can't wait for 7 petala cinta..

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

langit biru di pagi hari

let's enjoy this video...a cover song by ajek hassan

his husky voice,really..... i'm totally love all his cover songs. he's better than recording artists ( especially from reality programme!..sorry to say~~~)

one more video..
